Am I in good hands with Fabius Mw H?

Am I in good hands with Fabius Mw H?

I’ve only lived in Groningen for a few months and have not gone to a dentist yet but its high time i go visit.

So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Groningen or the area has any experience with Fabius Mw H

I think my bridge needs to be fixed but i’m very scared i how it will look.

What concerns me is:

  • Has anybody have had a bad experience with Fabius Mw H
  • Is there a place I can check reviews?
  • Does the place have a good reputation?
  • Is Bronsdijk BV Tandtechnisch Lab a better alternative?

I head a story from my wife that said its gone wrong before but that was not a patient of Fabius Mw H!.

Thank you in advance, hoping to get some feedback

Contact information for Fabius Mw H

Fabius Mw H is located in Groningen, NL on the address Goeman Borgesiuslaan 129Fabius Mw H (the zipcode is 9722RG). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on +31 505266312.

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