Am I in good hands with Masri Zaher Moustapha?
I’ve only lived in town for a few months and have not been to any dentist yet but now I need to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Ksara, Zahleh or the area has any experience with Masri Zaher Moustapha
I’m looking to have my front tooth done but i’m very scared i how it will look.
Whats on my mind is;
- Is it a clean clinic?
- What are previous patients saying?
- Is there a place I can check reviews?
My wife told me about patient that had a bad job done but let me clarify, that was NOT from Masri Zaher Moustapha.
Thank you all for reading, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Masri Zaher Moustapha
Masri Zaher Moustapha is located in Ksara, Zahleh, LB.