Experiences with Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid?

Experiences with Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid?

I am new to Groningen and have not gone to a dentist yet but its high time i go visit.

So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Groningen or the area has any experience with Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid

I’m looking to have my front tooth done but i’m on a budget so it needs to be cheap.

So a few questions:

  • Has anybody have had a bad experience with Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid
  • What kind of pricelevel are we talking about?
  • What are previous patients saying?
  • Could Praktijk voor Tandheelkunde Loes be a better choice?

My sister told me about patient that had a bad job done but that was not from Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid.

What are your thoughts?

Contact information for Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid

Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid is located in Groningen, NL on the address Bordewijklaan 27Tandartspraktijk Wijert-Zuid (the zipcode is 9721TN). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on +31 505255685.

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