Is Suweihan Medical & Dental Centre in Abu Dhabi a good clinic?
I am new to Abu Dhabi and havent visited a dentist yet but its high time i go visit.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Abu Dhabi or the area has any experience with Suweihan Medical & Dental Centre
I think my bridge needs to be fixed but i’m unsure how to go about it.
So I have a bunch of questions:
- Is there a place I can check reviews?
- What are previous patients saying?
- How long has it been around?
- Could Al Diyar Medical Center be a better choice?
I head a story from my brother that said its gone wrong before but that was not from Suweihan Medical & Dental Centre.
Thank you all for reading, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Suweihan Medical & Dental Centre
Suweihan Medical & Dental Centre is located in Abu Dhabi, UAE.