Would you recommend Kassem Bilal Mohamed?
I am new to town and have not had any appointments with dentists yet but its high time i go visit.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Ketermaya, Shehi’m or the area has any experience with Kassem Bilal Mohamed
I want to do a teeth whitening but i’m very scared it will hurt.
Whats on my mind is;
- Is it a clean clinic?
- Do the people working there have a lot of experience?
- What are previous patients saying?
I’ve read stores where these things have gone horrible wrong but let me clarify, that was NOT from Kassem Bilal Mohamed.
Thank you all for reading, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Kassem Bilal Mohamed
Kassem Bilal Mohamed is located in Ketermaya, Shehim, LB.