Better places to go than Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka?
I’m stayin in Wien for the next 9 months and have not been to any dentist yet but now I need to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Wien or the area has any experience with Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka
I want to do a teeth whitening but i’m very scared if it will ruin me financially.
What concerns me is:
- Is it a clean clinic?
- Are there procedures i should do somewhere else?
- Is there a place I can check reviews?
- Would you recommend DDr. Wolfgang Pirker instead?
My uncle told me about patient that had a bad job done but let me clarify, that was NOT from Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka.
Thank you in advance, hoping to get some feedback
Description from Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka
In our modern equipped private practice, we want to offer a prevention-oriented care in a pleasant atmosphere and ambience our patients. Therefore, the dental prophylaxis and aesthetics granted a very special place with us.
Our declared goal is to maximize particularly by individual competent and structured care the comfort of our patients and to optimize the result.
Contact information for Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka is located in Wien, AT on the address Mariahilferstrasse 47/5/7Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael Matejka (the zipcode is 1060). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on +43 1 5875237. If you prefer contact by email the address is [email protected].