Can any recommend Honein Fadi Antoine?
I’m stayin in Haret el Mir, Zouk Mikayel for the next 3 months and have not gone to a dentist yet but now I need to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Haret el Mir, Zouk Mikayel or the area has any experience with Honein Fadi Antoine
I need to get a rootcanal done but i’m on a budget so it needs to be cheap.
Whats on my mind is;
- Do the people working there have a lot of experience?
- Is it a clean clinic?
- Has anybody have had a bad experience with Honein Fadi Antoine
I head a story from my best friend that said its gone wrong before however that was from another place.
Thank you all for reading, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Honein Fadi Antoine
Honein Fadi Antoine is located in Haret el Mir, Zouk Mikayel, LB.