Experiences with Chneihi Sleiman Elias?
Hi there everyone, i dont know many in town and i have not been here for long and have not been to any dentist yet but now I need to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Khreybeh st, Baabda or the area has any experience with Chneihi Sleiman Elias
I need to get a rootcanal done and I prefer a dentist with a lot of experience
What concerns me is:
- How many people work there?
- What are previous patients saying?
- Do the people working there have a lot of experience?
I head a story from my mother that said its gone wrong before but hopefully it will not happen at Chneihi Sleiman Elias.
What are your thoughts?
Contact information for Chneihi Sleiman Elias
Chneihi Sleiman Elias is located in Khreybeh st, Baabda, LB.