Is Bergeyron Patrice the best option in Genève?
I’m relatively new to this place and havent visited a dentist yet but now I need to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Genève or the area has any experience with Bergeyron Patrice
I want to do a teeth whitening and I prefer a dentist with a lot of experience
What concerns me is:
- Has anybody have had a bad experience with Bergeyron Patrice
- What are previous patients saying?
- Is it a clean clinic?
- Is Amatdent Cabinet Dentaire a better alternative?
I head a story from my husband that said its gone wrong before but that was not a patient of Bergeyron Patrice!.
Thank you in advance, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Bergeyron Patrice
Bergeyron Patrice is located in Genève, CH on the address quai des Bergues 27Bergeyron Patrice (the zipcode is 1201). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on 022 731 28 76.