Is Hojeiri Adib Sobhi the best dentist?
I’ve only lived in town for a few months and have not been to any dentist yet but its high time i go visit.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Douress, Baalbeck or the area has any experience with Hojeiri Adib Sobhi
I need to get a rootcanal done but i’m very scared if it will ruin me financially.
Whats on my mind is;
- Has anybody have had a bad experience with Hojeiri Adib Sobhi
- What kind of pricelevel are we talking about?
- Is it a clean clinic?
My father told me about patient that had a bad job done but hopefully it will not happen at Hojeiri Adib Sobhi.
What are your thoughts?
Contact information for Hojeiri Adib Sobhi
Hojeiri Adib Sobhi is located in Douress, Baalbeck, LB.