Is Nohra Charbel the best dentist?
I’m stayin in Kesserwan – Jbeil, Jounieh for the next 4 months and have not been to any dentist yet but its time for me to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Kesserwan – Jbeil, Jounieh or the area has any experience with Nohra Charbel
I think my bridge needs to be fixed but i’m very scared i how it will look.
What concerns me is:
- Do the people working there have a lot of experience?
- Are there procedures i should do somewhere else?
- Is it a clean clinic?
I’ve read stores where these things have gone horrible wrong but hopefully it will not happen at Nohra Charbel.
What are your thoughts?
Contact information for Nohra Charbel
Nohra Charbel is located in Kesserwan – Jbeil, Jounieh, LB.