Is tandartspraktijk-zuidoost a good dentist?
I’ve only lived in Amsterdam Southeast for a few months and have not had any appointments with dentists yet but its high time i go visit.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Amsterdam Southeast or the area has any experience with tandartspraktijk-zuidoost
I need to get a rootcanal done and I prefer a dentist with a lot of experience
So I have a bunch of questions:
- How long has it been around?
- What are previous patients saying?
- Are there procedures i should do somewhere else?
- What about tandartspraktijk-zuidoost – could that be an alternative?
My niece told me about patient that had a bad job done however that was from another place.
Thank you all for reading, hoping to get some feedback
Description from tandartspraktijk-zuidoost
We are Tandartspraktijk Southeast and have two offices in the heart of Amsterdam Southeast. We welcome you to Florin 5B and the Bijlmerdreef 794. With a team of enthusiastic young dentists and dental prevention assistants we make high quality for everyone.
Contact information for tandartspraktijk-zuidoost
tandartspraktijk-zuidoost is located in Amsterdam Southeast, NL on the address Florin 5Btandartspraktijk-zuidoost (the zipcode is 1102 BA). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on 020 705 96 37. If you prefer contact by email the address is [email protected].