Would any recommend Woonona Dental?

Would any recommend Woonona Dental?

I’m stayin in NSW for the next 4 months and have not been to any dentist yet but its time for me to go.

So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from NSW or the area has any experience with Woonona Dental

I need to get a rootcanal done but i’m on a budget so it needs to be cheap.

So a few questions:

  • What are previous patients saying?
  • Do the people working there have a lot of experience?
  • What kind of pricelevel are we talking about?
  • Is Bakarich Paul a better alternative?

I’ve read stores where these things have gone horrible wrong but let me clarify, that was NOT from Woonona Dental.

What are your thoughts?

Contact information for Woonona Dental

Woonona Dental is located in NSW, AU on the address Suite:3 398 Princes Hwy, WoononaWoonona Dental (the zipcode is 2517). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on (02) 4284 2557. If you prefer contact by email the address is woonona [email protected].

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