Would you choose Dental Clinics Leeuwarden over other clinics in Leeuwarden?

Would you choose Dental Clinics Leeuwarden over other clinics in Leeuwarden?

I’ve only lived in Leeuwarden for a few months and have not been to any dentist yet but its time for me to go.

So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Leeuwarden or the area has any experience with Dental Clinics Leeuwarden

I need to get a rootcanal done but i’m on a budget so it needs to be cheap.

So I have a bunch of questions:

  • How many people work there?
  • Does the place have a good reputation?
  • Is there a place I can check reviews?
  • Is it a better choice than Dental Clinics Leeuwarden?

I once heard about another patient (from another place) that ended up having to get this procedure redone several times over but that was not a patient of Dental Clinics Leeuwarden!.

What are your thoughts?

Description from Dental Clinics Leeuwarden

A modern dental group practice in the Oostergrachtswal, where you will find complete dental care for the entire family. Our experienced specialists work flexibly and efficiently, without compromising on quality. Whether you come for a regular dental check or specialist treatment at the dentist, we deal with you according to the latest advances in dentistry. With us you can go for a treatment of the dentist or dental hygienist and you can always count on dental care of the highest possible quality.

Contact information for Dental Clinics Leeuwarden

Dental Clinics Leeuwarden is located in Leeuwarden, NL on the address Oostergrachtswal 37-39Dental Clinics Leeuwarden (the zipcode is 8921 AA). If you want to get in contact you can visit their website or call them on 058 – 299 17 29. If you prefer contact by email the address is [email protected].

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