Is Ishac Akl Abdallah the best dentist in Rahbeh?
I am new to town and have not gone to a dentist yet but its time for me to go.
So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Rahbeh or the area has any experience with Ishac Akl Abdallah
I think my bridge needs to be fixed but i’m very scared if it will ruin me financially.
So a few questions:
- How long has it been around?
- How many people work there?
- Has anybody have had a bad experience with Ishac Akl Abdallah
My mother told me about patient that had a bad job done but hopefully it will not happen at Ishac Akl Abdallah.
Thank you in advance, hoping to get some feedback
Contact information for Ishac Akl Abdallah
Ishac Akl Abdallah is located in Rahbeh, LB.