Is Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti the best option?

Is Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti the best option?

I’m stayin in Chiasso for the next 3 months and havent visited a dentist yet but now I need to go.

So i’m just asking this question to hear if anyone from Chiasso or the area has any experience with Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti

I think something chipped of my tooth but i’m unsure how to go about it.

Whats on my mind is;

  • How long has it been around?
  • Has anybody have had a bad experience with Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti
  • Is it a clean clinic?
  • Is it a better choice than Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti?

I once heard about another patient (from another place) that ended up having to get this procedure redone several times over but let me clarify, that was NOT from Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti.

Thank you in advance, hoping to get some feedback

Contact information for Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti

Mr. Dr. Paul Rordorf Dentisti is located in Chiasso, CH on the address Corso San Gottardo 54.

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